by | Jul 28, 2017 | Rai Dentistry
Do you want a strong smile and a successful oral health? If so, there are things you need to do to take good care of your teeth and gums, including keep up on oral hygiene, visit your dentist, and have a healthy and balanced diet. In addition to this last tip, it’s... by Rai Family Dentistry | Nov 22, 2016 | Rai Dentistry
Have you established safe daily habits for your denture care? The quicker you lay out a detailed plan and stick to it, the better off your oral health will be. Make notes if you hate to, or set alarms to remind you to do your denture care. Most importantly, stay in a...
by Rai Family Dentistry | Nov 9, 2016 | Rai Dentistry
A healthy smile is a happy smile. The prouder you are of your smile, the more likely you are to practice safe and effective oral health care habits to maintain it. As long as your smile continues to shine bright, the greater the likelihood is that you a doing an... by Rai Family Dentistry | Jul 27, 2016 | Rai Dentistry
In order to have the top-notch oral health and beautiful smile you deserve, you need to take good care of your toothbrush. If you have an effective and successful smile-cleaning tool, you will have the best chance at achieving your oral health and smile goals. To help... by Rai Family Dentistry | Oct 15, 2015 | Rai Dentistry
Did you know that 9% to 15% of people living in America avoid their dentist because of anxiety and fear? That comes to about 30-40 million people! If you are one of those unlucky few that suffers from dental phobia, we are here to help. Dental anxiety vs. Dental...